This first post is ridiculously hard!
I want to set the tone for this blog but I, obviously, haven't got a readership yet, and so I am very VERY aware that I am talking to myself. But then again, I'm probably going to be talking to myself with each post, and having a baby makes you very adept at talking to no-one, so actually, this really ought not to be problem!
I spent so long faffing about, ("Is this the right background?", "Is this the right font?", "HOW DO YOU MAKE A TITLE HEADER?!?!" (Seriously- who knew photoshop was so complicated!?!?)) But in the end I decided just go with it and change it as and when I can... I will be procrastinating forever otherwise.
So here it is!
The idea for this blog started so long ago, and since then the direction has changed time and time again; it shall probably change some more before I'm done. Since having my son my world has been turned upside down, and I absolutely love it!! This tiny being who smiles when he sees me, and who laughs at my AMAZING jokes (like blowing raspberries-classic!). But simple things I thought I knew, what clothes to buy, how to dress myself for my body shape, have completely gone out the window. The different parts of my body now span three different clothes sizes (handy) and I'm not used to how top heavy I've become! Having worked in the fashion industry before I was very confident with my own personal style, and at the very least what clothes I should avoid. But now it's like I have to learn the rules of life all over again. Naively I assumed fashion would take a short hiatus during the pregnancy stage (I didn't find the two mixed well), but then so long to leggings and stretchy tops (!), stupidly not realising breastfeeding would also mean a very limited wardrobe selection. None of my old clothes fit still and fearing I look old, fat and frumpy I've decided to take matters into my own hands, and actively try not to BE old fat and frumpy.
Well this is where this blog comes in, in an effort to keep hold of some sort of identity! To search out fashionable clothes that are also mummy (and budget) appropriate, make-up hints and tips you can ACTUALLY do in the spare few seconds between nappy change and breakfast, and general mummy and modern life chit chat. I may be a mum, but I'm also still young, and I don't want to give up on myself just yet!
Hopefully someone out there can identify with this, and if not, at least I can look back in years to come, and laugh at how silly my younger self (probably, but really hopefully not) was.
Because I am a sucker for punishment. I'm currently in my final term of my last year of my degree, and because I don't have enough to do in looking after a baby and completing a degree, I thought I would give myself some more! (As I write this I've only had two hours sleep last night in an attempt to get some coursework in on time).
The truth is, I've started to panic that without uni I'll have nothing to do, nothing to focus on, and nothing to be. This is my (pathetic?) attempt to keep my brain ticking over and give me some sort of purpose!
Well hopefully this will reach at least one person and be helpful, or at the very least mildly entertaining!
So thats the reason behind Charlotte Loves!
Hope you enjoy! :)
I spent so long faffing about, ("Is this the right background?", "Is this the right font?", "HOW DO YOU MAKE A TITLE HEADER?!?!" (Seriously- who knew photoshop was so complicated!?!?)) But in the end I decided just go with it and change it as and when I can... I will be procrastinating forever otherwise.
So here it is!
The idea for this blog started so long ago, and since then the direction has changed time and time again; it shall probably change some more before I'm done. Since having my son my world has been turned upside down, and I absolutely love it!! This tiny being who smiles when he sees me, and who laughs at my AMAZING jokes (like blowing raspberries-classic!). But simple things I thought I knew, what clothes to buy, how to dress myself for my body shape, have completely gone out the window. The different parts of my body now span three different clothes sizes (handy) and I'm not used to how top heavy I've become! Having worked in the fashion industry before I was very confident with my own personal style, and at the very least what clothes I should avoid. But now it's like I have to learn the rules of life all over again. Naively I assumed fashion would take a short hiatus during the pregnancy stage (I didn't find the two mixed well), but then so long to leggings and stretchy tops (!), stupidly not realising breastfeeding would also mean a very limited wardrobe selection. None of my old clothes fit still and fearing I look old, fat and frumpy I've decided to take matters into my own hands, and actively try not to BE old fat and frumpy.
Well this is where this blog comes in, in an effort to keep hold of some sort of identity! To search out fashionable clothes that are also mummy (and budget) appropriate, make-up hints and tips you can ACTUALLY do in the spare few seconds between nappy change and breakfast, and general mummy and modern life chit chat. I may be a mum, but I'm also still young, and I don't want to give up on myself just yet!
Hopefully someone out there can identify with this, and if not, at least I can look back in years to come, and laugh at how silly my younger self (probably, but really hopefully not) was.
Because I am a sucker for punishment. I'm currently in my final term of my last year of my degree, and because I don't have enough to do in looking after a baby and completing a degree, I thought I would give myself some more! (As I write this I've only had two hours sleep last night in an attempt to get some coursework in on time).
The truth is, I've started to panic that without uni I'll have nothing to do, nothing to focus on, and nothing to be. This is my (pathetic?) attempt to keep my brain ticking over and give me some sort of purpose!
Well hopefully this will reach at least one person and be helpful, or at the very least mildly entertaining!
So thats the reason behind Charlotte Loves!
Hope you enjoy! :)
Well hopefully this will reach at least one person and be helpful, or at the very least mildly entertaining!
So thats the reason behind Charlotte Loves!
Hope you enjoy! :)
Perfect - looking forward to the makeup tips! :)