Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Morden Hall Park Life

HANDS UP, who's loving this summer weather?!?!

Doesn't it make you just want to be outside?

HELLS YEAH it does!

Sunday, 14 June 2015


For those of you who know me, they will know how much of an effort this is! There may even be some laughter, mockery, or downright disbelief.

Friday, 1 May 2015

My Fashion Rules.

At about 4 months post D-day I decided it was probably best I stopped moping about in my maternity jeans (which had to be pulled back up every time I moved), waiting for my figure to "settle" and actually sort out my clothes to see what fit and what no longer fit me. Besides the clothes I was wearing at the time this was the result which I posted on Instagram:

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Welcome to charlotte loves: THE DREADED FIRST POST!

This first post is ridiculously hard!